To ensure the best results possible (called a training affect) 3PS recommends 3 days of training per week (or more) in order to achieve conditioning goals. Certain situations and conditions may warrant something different, however, 3 or more days of training per week will allow you the best opportunity for reaching your individual goals and Championship!!!
Select from one of the Charts below that best fits your situation, and fill out the form at the bottom.
Prices reflect typical price per week or typical price per month. Prices per month may be more or less depending on the total # of training sessions per month.
1 Person
Private Personal Training at the 3PS Center
$70 per session
2 Person
Semi-Private training at the 3PS center or In-Home
Prices are per person
3-11 Person
Small Group Training Camps
Prices are per person
12-21 Players
Team Training at the 3PS Center
$150 per session
Team training
Price is determined by $150 ÷ the number of players.
Dependent on the # of training sessions signed up per week (i.e. 2x, 3x, or more). Please have Coach or Manager provide one check for the total # of training sessions per month.
•When reserving your training sessions, please pay the monthly amount. The monthly price total will be determined by the number of training sessions you initially choose per week.
•Price will be prorated when joining in the middle of the month.
•Training sessions are 1 hour in length.
•Training time slots are planned, set-up, and reserved especially for you!! Please look at your calendar and schedule when reserving your monthly sessions.
•Unless injured, sick, or in cases of emergencies or serious circumstances (i.e. Funerals, etc.), missed training sessions are not made up or refunded.
•If reserved sessions are canceled due to 3PS's cancelation, fees will be refunded.
•When cancellations are necessary, please notify 3PS within a 24 - 48 time period to allow for rescheduling. This is so helpful to us and appreciated!! Otherwise this reserved time slot will be charged. Thank you!!
•Monthly training fees are required in advance by (check, cash, cc/dc, or Venmo) before any training sessions take place. Payment reserves your spot.
•Holiday breaks and schedules change periodically, necessitating calendar alterations, for which 3PS will notify all teams and members.
•Thank you for investing your valuable time, energy, and hard earned cash in the future success of your athletes, teams, yourself and loved ones!!! Especially thank you for believing in 3PS...